The Solution

The one positive discovery resulting from the work of the DDC is stated on page 3 of the 34-page CCAP. It states, "It was found that CISD lacked consistency in applying consequences under the Student Code of Conduct (SCOC) and campuses didn't consistently notify the central office administration about incidents involving hate speech or racial slurs." It also states, "Confusion existed within interpretation and understanding of the law and SCOC levels of offenses."
This diagnosis of the problem brings a much simpler and more effective solution. For all populations to learn and grow within a safe environment, CISD needs to consistently implement and enforce the existing Student Code of Conduct (SCOC), a 120+ page document. The SCOC clearly does not allow bullying or discrimination. CISD staff, including senior administration, teachers and all other employees should undergo training on these policies and procedures to assure uniform discipline and consistent reporting practices are followed across all CISD campuses. This is what is needed to solve this problem, not a poorly conceived "Action Plan" based on far left Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality.

The Truth Reveals the Solution
It was found that CISD lacked consistency in applying consequences under the Student Code of Conduct (SCOC) and campuses didn't consistently notify the central office administration about incidents involving hate speech or racial slurs. Confusion also existed within interpretation and understanding of the law and SCOC levels of offenses. (CCAP page 3-4)
All students should feel safe and valued at Carroll ISD. Discovering the SCOC was not being applied appropriately should have prompted Student Code of Conduct Training for all CISD employees. Instead, highly paid administrators took the opportunity to aggrandize themselves while painting an untruthful and negative picture of our community, using taxpayer money to do so. Children learning to coexist in a multi-cultural society, are being taught to focus on differences, instead of accepting them, which creates racism as opposed to extinguishing it.
A Message from Lt. Col. (ret.) Allen West
"Not often in life do we get the opportunity to say we are standing in the gap and can make a difference. I don't see this as a dark moment. I see this as an opportunity. On this day, you all, as ordinary Texans, I call on you to do an extraordinary thing."